Team Building

Training, motivation and strengthening of teams through personalized solutions.

Training – Team Building

Team-building activities are, in the RHmais approach, training moments, with pedagogical objectives and a playful component, which aim to work on generic or specific aspects - such as communication, cooperation, leadership, conflict management, among others - of the dynamics of professional teams.

For this, we create several scenarios, different from those that the teams face in their daily work, seeking to remove them from their so-called "comfort zones", and provide them with striking experiences and situations that persist in the individual and collective memory, capable of helping to overcome problems and obstacles.

In this context, RHmais has previously structured activities in the scope of "Humour at Work" and "Sustainability and the Environment". Team-building activities are also developed from scratch and are tailored to the needs and conditions (logistics, of course) that frame the request of each client.




assinatura email manuela  Manuela Domingos
Sales Consultant

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